Vinyl, I know you’ve heard the name before—the little flat circles with ridges, and can range from 7 to 12 inches wide. People are wondering what the pros and cons of Vinyl are, and if you are one of these people then you are reading the right article. One of the great things about Vinyl is that you get a physical connection with your music because if you are using Spotify, you have to tap a button. There you have it, but with vinyl, you get to feel the music (literally feel the music), and the drive back from the vinyl store is like giving birth to your ears because you are just waiting to put that record on the record player when you get home. Another great thing about vinyl is that it is great for being used as art pieces like The Beatles’ Abbey Road and Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of the Moon album cover. Even if your guests haven’t listened to them, they still look good and maybe you can get them interested in one of your favorite bands now on to the cons.
One of the bigger cons of vinyl records is space, and that they take up more room than the speaker that you can put in any part of your house. Another thing that is not so good about vinyl is that they are not portable and aren’t too easy to move around, but that also depends on your record player. The accessibility compared to your phone is that you can play it anywhere and at any time, but you still don’t own the music. The last big disadvantage of vinyl is the price of the rare vinyl like Creedence Clearwater Revival’s Creedence Clearwater Revival which on amazon is around 26$ but on a copy made in the Uk and is front side laminated is around 207$ but with a phone and speaker you can play it for free on something on youtube. I hope this article makes you want to go out and get a vinyl, listen to your favorite music in a new way, and see it in a new light.