Here at the CORE Butte Insider, we know your time is valuable, and we want to help you maximize the flickering flame of pleasure that can be found during your lunch period. In a campus as scenic as CORE Butte’s, there are a plethora of spots to chow down, making it quite a task to pick just a single spot to spend your precious lunch period in. Fortunately, our cutting-edge reporters are here to answer the most important question facing our conflicted students, where is the best place to eat lunch?
One of the most popular spots to eat lunch during fair weather, the tented tables in the courtyard are undoubtedly the most popular spots to consume lovely homemade meals and milquetoast school lunches alike. Under the canvas strung over the metal benches, laughter and conversation echo like the notes of a foreign melody. If you want a warm, homely spot to eat lunch, then head on over to the courtyard and settle beneath the canvas shield.
If an outdoor Viking-style feast isn’t to your liking, then why not set your sights higher, literally. On the second floor, you’ll find a long balcony with a clear view of both the lounge below and the courtyard beyond. The balcony fills up soon after the students are let out for lunch, but if you’re lucky enough to snag a seat on one of the tall chairs, you’re in for a great lunch. The balcony is the best of both worlds, a secluded overhang where you can choose to tune out the world with headphones and your favorite YouTuber, or rehash conversations with your friend group while filled with a slight feeling of superiority from being, quite literally, above the rest of the rabble.
But where does the hardworking, salt of the earth, common man rest his weary legs for an entire half-hour during lunch? Tired by the hustle and bustle of student life, carry yourself over to Nathan Collins’ room for a brief respite from the untamed chaos resulting from a teenage horde. Located at room 2702, Collins’ room is not only the perfect place to take a music or English class, but also a chill spot to eat. Mr. Collins kindly permits students to hang out in his room during lunch as long as they refrain from being too rowdy, and the resulting crowd is quite a mix. From the latest social media trends to discussions about the meaning of life, you’re bound to find something to occupy your time.
If none of these have tickled your fancy, or if you have an American Sign Language class after lunch, then Ken Noble’s room might be the silver bullet to deliver you from your troubles. The well-lit room features verdant greenery that can allow students to relax even in the midst of finals week, which makes it an ideal locale to spend your precious lunch break in. If you happen to be taking an ASL class immediately following lunch, then this location is even more appealing, for you can simply ignore the mad scramble that most lunch-goers have to endure to reach their post-lunch class. If you want a relaxing time away from the chaotic mess of the rest of the school, then Noble’s room may be just the place for you.