Everyone in Chico has heard of Genkai at least once. (Bonus points if you’ve been there)
It’s a lively place with beautiful art, telivision screens showing sports, and nice waiters. But the real questions are;
Are you really getting your money’s worth? Does it at least taste good? How traditional is it? (nobody asks that). That’s for you to decide based on the opinion of an unemployed schoolgirl.
First up, the chirashi bowl. A chirashi bowl is a sushi chef-assorted traditional sushi-bowl, think of a poke bowl’s great-grandfather. Nowadays you can find a chirashi bowl for the jarring price of 35$+ but at GenKai it was pleasantly cheap taste wise…it was ok. This dish felt too westernized for people who want a traditional chirashi and too traditional for the western palette, 6.5/10. The second dish is the maguro (tuna) sashimi for 22$. Personally I didn’t like this dish much at all because of the rubbery texture but I won’t dock points just because I didn’t like it.
However, I will dock points for the 20 bucks that came out of my pocket. 4/10.
The third dish is a “housewife roll” which was pleasantly disappointing and as mid as it looks. Not bad but nothing special about it. If you like the simple plain things in life, consider ordering it.